Itsy Bitsy Bikini


  1. Wonderful! Unfortunately, due to family business and business business, I’ve been stuck upstate this Summer. They have great beaches up here however, thanks to over a century of ecological mismanagement by both government and industry, you can rarely go in the water. Too bad.

    Nikki, ey, I’m tawkin ere, cool set!!! 🙂

    • Nikki Silver says

      thank you! I did this on Riis Beach in Queens. Later in life when I devote myself to activism, keeping water healthy and clean will definintly be one of my priorities.

  2. Eivind Niclasen says

    The finest looking Bond girl that never was. Nikki has upstaged the majestic Ursula Andress, and only we know about it, which makes us the luckiest fanclub on any site. Right, people? 😉

  3. gorgeous Nikki, love the wet legs!!

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