Xena + Gabrielle

Xena saves her 'best friend' Gabrielle from a monster in the forest. Grateful to be safe and together again we take a sensual bath, one things leads to another and soon I'm licking Gabrielle's pussy.

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  1. HarryBrother says

    Gabrielle and Xena awesome together, apart, out door, indoor, in the tub, in the bed wherever they are I am there

  2. Too short.. love the way you ate that pussy!

  3. HarryBrother says

    Making a wish to join in role play with you hairy beauties. Love em hairy like that.

  4. Liking how the beginning had just enough of a Bare Maidens feel to it but wasn’t too over the top šŸ˜„, keep the ideas coming!

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