New Model! Back to the 60’s


  1. Simone’s my all-time favorite hairy model, it’s so awesome you got her to pose for this site.

  2. Her ass is important.

  3. she is so beautiful

  4. Got her to pose? She’s been begging me to shoot forever and we finally made it happen. We are trying to figure out a girl girl shoot, we’re thinking with me, what do you guys think? Who would you like to see her with in girl/girl and what kinds of stuff would you like to see her do?

    And I agree AmesLove – her ass is important. All ass’s are important but hers especially

    • Girl/girl with Simone? That would be awesome. I’d love to see her with you, for sure. Or Joey Minx, or Felix. Any one of those three combinations would be so hot. I’d love to see some foot stuff, licking/sucking and the like.

  5. Glad you like those models as that’s who I’ve been updating with the most lately! haha. I’ll see if I can track Felix down, she’s a trixie one.

  6. Oh, I’ll keep the foot stuff in mind for the next girl/girl I do. Do you like it for boy/girl as well? Foot worship? of the girl, I mean.

  7. You and Simone would be so awesome! I’d actually like to see some foot content as well! And more armpit licking! Never enough armpit fetish content! 🙂

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