
Pussy Magic

Chloe grabbed this crystal ball, which I remember from my childhood and started playing with it. She couldn’t help but put her pussy up against it’s warmth.

05.04.14 - 4:26 minutes

Meet Vivi

Vivi tells us a bit about her history with squirting as well as peeing, her muscles are quite powerfull! No wonder she can shoot out such strong pee and ejaculate!

04.27.14 - 8:28 minutes

Final Beach Party

The final installment of our beach series. So sad that it’s all over but it just means we’ll have to have a frolick on the beach again soon!

04.20.14 - 6;51 minutes

Dirty Girl

Juliette sweeps her big dirty warehouse for me naked and then gives us a voyuers view into her everyday, brushing her teeth with her legs spread, spitting into the sink, lots of close ups on her pretty mouth, putting on make up and brushing her hair.

04.13.14 - 4:49 minutes

Meet Chloe

Out takes from my shoot with Chloe with a little pee clip.

03.30.14 - 10:17 minutes

Beach Party Part 4

I only have the download version of this video up because the streaming one is too low quality, yuck. So, sorry for the long load time but really you’d rather watch it like this I’m sure. There was a technical error in the filming hence degrading the quality, not an issue that will be repeated. thanks for your patience!

03.23.14 - 2:08 minutes

Nails and Strap Ons

We had some equipment issues during the shoot. Check out the behind the scenes video for more details…

03.16.14 - 6:18 minutes

Rolling in the Light

After a few out takes from our masturbation videos, Juliette climbs up into a net below a skylight and rolls around, arching her back and spreading her legs, backlit by the sky light. Her body is gracefull against the over cast sky as she plays with her pussy.

03.09.14 - 4:24 minutes

Belated Valentines

I put a ‘nanny cam’ up in a corner of the kitchen to watch as I shot Joey. It ended up looking pretty cool but a little too weird for the real video so here ya go!